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The Blog No 6 Wild Wanderings

Spring Ahoy!!....all aboard.

I spent a couple of hours today working in the base,cleaning ,weeding an doing general maintenance. During these periods I like to wander about for about 20 minutes or so just taking note of whats going on in general with the birds and plants. Observing things really closely to see if I can spot hibernating Butterflies or emerging plants and flowers etc. These periods of close observation can, not only make you become more aware of tiny details in the natural world, but can also give ideas for photos, particularly macro shots.

The world in macro is a whole different 'universe' and I am always impressed with the tiny patterns on leaves,or the details in the petals of small flowers,the light and shade, the dappling of light etc. I suppose my trade as a Jeweler taught me to observe things in the miniature. I often use the inspiration of Faberge in my photo flower studies, I hope he won't mind?.Faberge was a wonderful supreme craftsman and his 'Flower' pieces are something to behold. I have only once handled one of his beautifully crafted works of art. Stunning!!

Today I can say taht Spring is well and truly on its way and is waiting in the wings to make its grand appearance.

Snowdrops,Daffodils and Crocus are breaking out into the spring sunshine. There's the odd Bee here and there and the birds are looking very smart in their bright, colorful and clean courting outfits. The Robins are getting more boisterous now and they are constantly chasing each other, two and fro,darting in and out of the hedges and bushes,then perching proudly on a tree top or the garden Spade handle, quickly glancing down, and then jumping on a juicy worm.

The river and quarry are starting to come back to life with more Geese and Herons and the occasional Cormorant making their presence felt. On my way down to the river bank, a few days ago, I caught sight of the beautiful Little Egret hunting in the shallows at the waterside. This ever graceful member of the Heron family is one of my favorites. The exotic plume of feathers which forms a feathery plat running down its nape and its yellow feet gives it a delicate grace. Its graceful take off and its slow relaxed flight makes it almost a sedative against the mad hectic life we all lead today, they are a joy to see. Only introduced into this country c1986 ,Little Egrets' are now firmly established in the UK and we now have a ever growing breeding community. A great addition to the bird life in this country in my opinion.

I am also keeping my eyes open for the first Butterfly. Will it be a Brimstone ,an Orange Tip, or an overwintered Peacock or a Tortoiseshell ?

When you see the first butterfly you know Spring has really sprung and the garden and wildlife are starting to open up, nights will get lighter, and the garden and fields will be a cacophony of color....ALL ABOARD....the fun starts here.



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