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Wild Wanderings

A Brief Summary

What a couple of months it has been weather wise recently. It has been tough around here with flooding and tree and fence damage. I am sure many of you have suffered the same or worse.

My paddock work has had to be stopped as I can not access it very well with the water logging being the worse I have ever known.The effect on the wildlife as also been apparent.

The poor old animals that live in dens and borrows the Badgers ,Foxes, Voles and Moles must be finding it tough underground and have probably vacated their normal haunts for safer ground.The birds too have been very scarce on occasions with the tough little Blue Tits, Robins and Great Tits the only ones getting on with things as normal. I would expect to see more Long Tailed Tits , Reed Bunting and Yellowhammer this time of year but have only seen a few so far. A winter visit from the Bramblings' has been a great sight and Fieldfares and Red Wings are about on the flooded fields, but I can never get close enough to them to get a photo. That's a task I must set myself to correct.

Luckily there has been no tree damage in the Wildlife Paddock itself so I have been lucky there at least. I did catch sight of the Munjac Deer amidst the rain one day but it was to far away to get a snap.

I'll keep on keeping on


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