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Wild Wanderings

Wishing you all a Happy and Peaceful New Year

Wild Wanderings

Diary Entry 31-12-2018

My second walk to the river this week in search of the elusive Muntjac ‘Munty’.

It is very mild weather at the moment, and I am longing for a cold snap to straighten things up a bit. Just a short one to tell the plants its not spring yet and for the hibernating insects and mammals.

We have had a flock of about forty Black Headed Gulls resident on the first field which is planted with beans. The Gulls are constantly doing circuits and bumps. Lazily floating through the air and suddenly descending to grab a morsel before re-joining the procession. They are very slow moving and there is a certain rhythm to their flight which if you watch it long enough, I find quite relaxing.

Fieldfares so far have been few and far between, but I did spot a lone wanderer sitting on top of one of the Hawthorn hedges. I looked around but could see no more which is another indication that it is mild for this time of year.

Walking down the main farm track towards the first pasture field I came across a group of four male Pheasants. They were hiding under the cover of the hedge. One popped out and started walking away at a brisk pace, he stopped momentarily and was soon joined by the other three. I love how they sort of go along seeming to be hoping you haven’t seen them. But they soon think better of it and get into a trot and then a run before finally panicking and taking to the air. I stopped walking and let them scoot off which they did at great speed under the hedge bottom further down the track.

On my previous walk I had briefly spotted the Muntjac in the thickets that line the old Wood. This was where we had placed one of the Kestrel boxes last year, so I had a good reference for the location. Near the tree with the Kestrel box is another old tree lying on the ground which had blown down last winter in the strong winds. I decided to sit among the fallen tree’s branches with my camera at the ready and to see if the Munty would re-appear.

I had only been there about ten minutes when I heard a heavy rustling in the thick undergrowth it sounded to heavy for a Pheasant and I could see the bushes moving apart as if something was pushing its way through. About 30 seconds later I then caught sight of the white short undertail of the Muntjac moving slightly away from me. I lifted my camera in readiness. Munty came out of the thicket like a Greyhound and headed straight across the open field at top speed. I couldn’t react quick enough in response to her expolsive burst of energy and she was gone. I was disappointed not to get a photo but also pleased I had found her where I thought she would be. I’ll give it a couple of days and go back for another try.

I was hoping to catch sight of a Brown Hare as I continued my way down to the river. But nothing. I hope they will return in the spring they are such wonderful creatures.

I got to the boundary of the field looking over the river a could see a Little Egret on the far bank grazing the shallows. If the light had been better, I would have tried to get closer, but I decided it wasn’t worth it as I knew as I approached it the Egret would take to the air and grey sky and poor light would not render a decent photo. There didn’t appear to be anything else on the river.

The Quarry water level is almost back to normal now, but no water birds were in sight, although I could hear the honking of some Canada Geese around the corner hidden by the trees.

My journey back home was uneventful. I checked both Kestrel boxes but there was no sign of residents. The boxes have been there a year now, so we may see something in the spring, fingers crossed.

The Gulls were still lazily circling and diving into the bean field and had been joined by about 20 crows and Jackdaws. Clucking and squawking filled the chilly evening air. I was happy I had seen Munty again. A quick check of the paddock for anything interesting before returning to the warmth of the kitchen and a nice cup of tea.

Happy New Year

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