Wild Wanderings ....Diary Intro

Dec 30th 2017
Well as the year draws to a close and a new one stares us in the camera lens its nearly time for writing my Diary. I've called it 'Wild Wanderings' so whenever you see that heading you will know its an update
I thought I would commence with a little detail of all the habitats I have around me so you will have an idea where all these photo's come from.
I am very lucky to live on and in a farm environment. Its a mixed farm of arable and pastures so the surroundings vary quite a lot from year to year. These changes effect the birds and animals I am liable to come across so its always interesting.
Ancient Conifer and mixed Woodland.
The farm is enclosed by woods of approx. 200yrs old. Conifer and mixed variety of tree species. Its home to Jays, Green Woodpecker. GS Woodpecker, Nut Hatches, Tree Creeper. Grey Squirrel.
River Trent
The River Trent passes by several fields forming the boundary and waterfowl including Grebes, Canada Geese, Mallards, Swan. Goldeneye. and Merganser are often sighted there.
Gravel Pit/Quarry
From the boundary and with my trusty Binoculars and a long lens I can view a Gravel Pit and quarry where again passage birds and waterfowl often congregate species include Cormorant, Heron, Egret, Seagulls Etc.
Crop Fields
Numerous fields of mixed crop are near and attract many unusual birds including Yellowhammer, Reed Bunting, Whitethroat, Linnet, Buzzard, and also Hare and Fox etc.
Wildlife Paddock
My WP project is now in its third year and so far its seems a success. I have planted fruit and ornamental trees along with wildlife friendly shrubs and plants. Buddleia, Hypericum, Rowan, among many others attract Butterflies and Bees as well as the usual garden birds with the Sparrowhawks and Kestrels often seen overhead. Field Voles and Moles of course but I have not yet attracted a Hedgehog but I am hoping for one soon.
As well as all the above there are lots of country paths and old barns and cow sheds which all attract there own visitors including Swallows, Wagtails and Buzzards
Well everyone I hope this will give you a general outline of where my adventures take place and where all my photo's come from. I am looking forward to publishing my diary and hopefully you'll all enjoy reading it and off course enjoy the photos.
Till next time