Butterfly Quest
Speckled Wood Probably the most abundant Butterfly I've seen this year. It's been a bad year for BF's by all accounts. Certainly around...

Rural Kilkenny What a wonderful place Ireland is...you can be sure we will return. This scene greeted us every morning from Beech Lane Farm.

Our Lady's Island...Wexford
Egret and Grey Heron What a beautiful and serene place OLI is. We took the pilgrims walk....very centering and reflective surrounded by...

Bird Count
Goldfinch .....Juvenile The birds are coming back into the gardens. My regular count yesterday and I counted 10 of these juvenile...

Crane Fly Lots of these about.... sometimes nicknamed Daddy Long Legs.....they are poor flyers and provide easy food for the birds at the...

European Hornet (Queen) This was on our neighbors windowsill yesterday. The biggest one that I've seen. Luckily they are quite docile...

Site Update....Messages
Soldier Beetle I have now added a message box on the front page of my site. You can tell what your fave image/Bird/Animal is etc....or...

Delight in Dahlias
Ludwig Helfert My Dahlias have been struggling this year. LH is one of my faves but even that is a bit washed out. It's been a strange...

Butterfly Quest
Painted Lady What a great name!!...I have not seen many of these this year. This is a migrant species. Which may come as a surprise to...

Bird Count
Collared Dove The birds are slowly coming back into the gardens. Keep putting that food out as we move into autumn and winter. This...