Web-site and Blog
Hi everyone click on this link and visit my web-site and read my blog. You can read all past posts from the last few years as well. Also...

Flower Page Update on Site
Hi Everyone Flower page on site updated. Take a look

Wild Wanderings
‘I wandered lonely as a cloud’ A walk was in order. I haven’t walked to the river for a week or so and I needed to see how things were...

Wild Wanderings
Diary 08-03-2020 I decided to walk to the river in search of Hares or Foxes that may have been roaming around the fields. This is...

Wild Wanderings
A Brief Summary What a couple of months it has been weather wise recently. It has been tough around here with flooding and tree and fence...

Wild Wanderings Bird update 2019
I have made a list below of all the bird species recorded and photographed in the wildlife paddock from January to August 2019. The list...

Wild Wanderings Butterfly Roundup Summer 2019
Today as it is throwing it down with rain I thought I would muse on how successful the wildlife paddock is becoming. Today I have listed...

Wild Wanderings
Wishing you all a Happy and Peaceful New Year Wild Wanderings Diary Entry 31-12-2018 My second walk to the river this week in search of...

Wild Wanderings
Diary Entry 17-10-2018 Its been a while since my last Diary entry, this is because not a lot has been happening on the wildlife front...

Wild Wanderings
Diary Entry 6th September 2018 A late evening stroll tonight reminded me that summer is starting to fade. There was a chill and damp feel...